As I read this gospel reading I find joy and peace in the words. Jesus calls us his disciples the salt, light of the world, lamp that illuminates an entire room. I remember a homily from Father G where he mentions that we all have dark moments in our lives and we need to remember those who were our lights in those dark times or when we have been the light for others in their dark times. By the grace of God we have all been given this light, but often times we neglect this light and not share it. This is the message of the gospel; if we neglect to be the salt we are called to be, then everything around us will become stale or even rot. When our light is placed under a basket, then the light doesn’t serve it’s purpose with bringing light to the room.
An example I can think of in my life was when I started to attend mass with my family at St. Anne's. I thought it was enough to attend mass each week and that determined my check list of being a good Catholic, but it wasn’t enough and it’s never enough for Jesus. I was neglecting my light and not being the salt for others. I was introduced to Knights of Columbus ministry at St. Annes and they welcomed me with open arms and I believe in what they stand for and what they do for the church and community. From being in this ministry I felt I was able to shine my light and be an even better person by serving the community, and this happened to open even more doors and callings from God by joining other ministries such as faith formation, youth confirmation, lector and eucharistic ministry. I feel overjoyed with being able to serve as Jesus served and it gives me peace.
Like we learned in our last class on social justice, we are all dealt with different hands in this life, but we all have privilege and that privilege is being the light we must share with others and lift one another for the Kingdom of God. I hope this gospel lets you know you are important and have purpose. There’s nothing to small you can’t do in the eyes of God. So shine your light, and doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith. These words should give you a sense of hope. All glory to God. Peace and love. God is good all the time!