In Sunday’s Gospel reading of Matthew 3:1-12, it talks about John the Baptist, Jesus’s cousin. John is at the Jordan river baptizing people and saying that, “someone higher than him is coming.”
Sunday, December 4, 2022 is the 2nd Sunday of Advent and it’s called preparation. The reading has a great meaning for us. The gospel tells us to prepare the way for the Lord.
What we do to prepare for the Lord, is go Christmas shopping for gifts, get a Christmas tree, put wonderful lights on our homes and have a great feast with family and friends. This is what John the Baptist would be saying to us on television or on the radio. As Christians this is one of the seasons we must take to heart and what it means. We need to make sure we have space for the one that is coming in our own selves. Save a place in our body for him.
So, what does that mean? Well, put 15 minuets aside a day for prayer or just silence, or reflect on what good we have done today or needs to be done. Help someone in need or pay it forward. Pay for some ones Starbucks or meal.
Preparing the way will be different for everybody.
Just as our Confirmation Candidates are preparing themselves for the Sacrament of Confirmation, to receive the Holy Spirit, we too are preparing ourselves in this journey to the birth of Christ.
Let us be ready and prepare a space at our table for the one who is higher than John the Baptist to welcome him with an open heart and grace that he has come into our lives.
Readings at Living the Word resource
First Reading: Isiah 11:1-10
Psalm: 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17
Second Reading: Romans 15:4-9
Gospel: Matthew 3:1-12