“For they did not yet understand the scripture that he had to rise from the dead…”
That is the last sentence from the Gospel of John for Easter Sunday.
I believe Jesus has risen. Why? I’ve seen the evidence:
I know Krystn, Robert, Paula, Ardelyn, Christian, Sam, Hannah, Melissa, Bianca, Janine, Mikail, Mariella, Janelle, Jiselle, Rosie, Jaylen, Alex, Aiden, Nicole, Gabbi, Nikki, Joshua, Kaycee, Jahn, Jehlia, Olivia, Hannah, Adrian, Jamie Anne, Joachim, Matthew, Diana and so many more Young Adults at different colleges who are living out their faith on different paths leading to the same Risen Lord.
In co-hosting our weekly podcast, I am amazed at the faith and prayer lives that our guests, both young and those with lived-life experience, share with us in seeking to make their faith a verb and not a noun.
The continuous commitment of our Confirmation Staff, 16 strong, who share their faith with the Young Church in forming young disciples.
Our Emmaus Peer Ministry Young Adults and High School leaders, who continue to help “make it work” in in these tipsy-turvy times of Covid, racism against our ethnic communities, social distancing and just trying to be healthy mentally and physically.
The Staff, liturgical ministers and parishioners of St. Anne’s, who continue living their lives of faith through the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic.
I could go on.
I didn’t see Jesus leave the tomb…I’ve only read and heard the stories. But the disciple in the Gospel who reached the tomb first didn’t see him leave either. He only saw the empty tomb. He believed because of the evidence. Maybe he believed because he saw the way Jesus changed the world while he lived. Maybe he believed because he saw the difference Jesus’ disciples made when they followed his way of life.
You never saw Jesus leave the tomb. But look around. There is plenty of evidence for the Resurrection. Look at the Scriptures and reach out to other Christians for help with a problem, and you’ll find guidance from Jesus, who lives through them. Live like the other role models who have inspired you by their Christian lives, and you’ll find happiness by following the living Jesus. Follow that nudge in your conscience to help others, and you’ll be an active participant in Jesus’ Resurrection by changing the world.
Yes, there’s plenty of evidence that Christ is alive and still changing the world. For those actively living their faith, it’s pretty hard to miss.