How easy is it for you to question God when you're angry? Do you even have the authority to question or test God?
This passage from the Old Testament explores these questions but not in a way that you would think. This passage begins with the grumbling of the people as to why Moses led them out of Egypt. Mind you the people fled Egypt to escape the tyranny and the unfair leadership. So Yes, Moses led them out of Egypt but didn’t know that it would take them so long to wander the desert. This is where the questioning is beginning in the midst of frustration, fatigue, hunger, thirst and many more symptoms. Moses in his fear and desperation calls out to God and ask
"What shall I do with this people? a little more and they will stone me?” I found it interesting that although Moses is feeling these same symptoms as the people, he separates himself by referring to them as people, foreshadowing that there is some animosity among the people and Moses who they had revered and trusted him to lead them away from the tyranny.
God goes on to help Moses out of his desperation by allowing him to strike a rock which allows water to flow for them to drink, but not without having the Elders witness this miracle.
I’m not saying that we are given the same powers as Moses and God will answer our request with an answer we may like. He will answer our prayers and requests in God's own way even if that means No. That is still not a reason to give up or turn to anger for people that we blame for leading us. We have enough division in the world and society.
We are blessed here in our small piece of the world of Union City CA, we have access to water and most of our basic needs often at the tap of a screen. This is how we are given the power to test God, a quote that I lived by for a long time was “God will not give you anything you can’t handle.” Although when I was going through my struggles and tests, I would not have the same outlook that I have today. It is that exact quote that allowed me to see the brighter days ahead, No, the people or Moses for that matter did really know that water would flow, but that’s what our faith can provide for us.
Hope for a better new day. When God gives you lemons, make lemonade. Take your struggles, take your burdens and offer them to God for the solution. God will provide an answer for you that you will be able to work with.
The reason I chose to reflect on this reading for this weekend is because we are the people who grumble and groan when we don’t get our way but we have to overcome that attitude by sharing in the Promise and Love of God.
--Collins Readings at Living the Word resource First Reading: Exodus 17:3-7 Psalm: 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9 Second Reading: Romans 5:1-2, 5-8 Gospel: John 4:5-42