Our BLOOD DRIVE in partnership with Stanford Blood Center is next Saturday. If you are healthy and eligible, please come out and donate on February 10 from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Parish Social Hall. The biggest benefit of blood donation is that it saves lives. Donate at the drive for a chance to win Warriors vs. San Antonio Spurs tickets. For more information email; Monica @ mgalaviz@stanford.edu .
For appointments, visit sbcdonor.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/12733
All Ushers & Collectors Ministry leads and members meeting:
Please join us for our Ministry meeting in Room 103 this Wednesday, February 7 at 5:00 pm. Our in-person meeting should last approximately 60 minutes.
Travel for the Soul: Special pilgrimage to Italy, Greece, and Turkey on October 7-20, 2024 (14 days). This pilgrimage promises to broaden your faith and be one of the most memorable experiences of your life. If interested, please contact Fr. Bart or call /text Violy Lantin-Sosa @ 510-673-4118. Fliers are available at the church entrances.
Please follow us on our Parish Website & Facebook and see our bulletin.