This certification is required by the Diocese and is mandatory for all who minister to our children and the community at large, (Catechists, Eucharistic ministers, Lectors, Choirs, Ushers, & all volunteers of any ministry.) If you have not taken the SAFE ENVIRONMENT training
within the last three (3) years or have not taken it at all, please do so.
FAITH FORMATION REGISTRATION for 2023-2024 is now open
Children Faith Formation (Grades 1- 8) registrations will open from June until August 2023. Please visit our parish website for more information. To register on-line, visit our website.
In Person Office Hours:
Tuesday & Thursday 1:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Monday & Wednesday – by appointment only
Phone: (510) 471-7766 ext. 20
This week, the Contractor will begin work to install the security gates for our fence and this will entail trenching at the entrance and exits of the parking area. Access to the church parking lot, however, will be maintained at all times via a diversion of the existing pathway around the construction works. Please be aware of the traffic signs and changes in the traffic flow.
We thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation during these essential works. If you have any questions or comments about the scheme, please feel free to contact us.
Fr. G’s Farewell Gathering. Please join us on June 25, 2023 immediately after the 5:00 pm Mass for a Gathering, in thanksgiving for Fr. G’s ministry and guidance to St. Anne.
Please follow us on our Parish Website & Facebook and see our bulletin.