Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - June 29-30, 2024
Mass Announcements
Our Parish Festival on July 27-28, 2024 is our biggest fundraiser and is four (4) weeks from now. St. Anne needs your help. You can HELP support this effort by:
Buying your Raffle Tickets now. For $25 each ticket, you will have the chance to win the Grand prize of $20,000, the 2nd prize: $8,000 and 3rd prize: $4,000. As of today, we have sold only 16% of the 4000 tickets. Today maybe your lucky day, visit our Raffle -Ticket -Sale tables on your way out. You can also purchase your tickets through the Parish Office and designated sellers.
Be a Festival Booth/ Event Sponsor. A great opportunity to showcase your business and services.
Sign up as a volunteer (set-ups & take-downs, clean-up, recycling, game booth volunteer, security and traffic control, inventory, sale, distribution and collection of Festival tokens. etc.),
Faith Formation Registration for School Year 2024-2025 is NOW OPEN for Grades 1 thru 8, Youths and Adults including: First Communion, Confirmation, on-going formation classes and RCIA. RCIA stands for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, which is a process for people to enter the Catholic Church. The RCIA is open to unbaptized people, baptized Christians who aren't Catholic, and people who were baptized in a Catholic parish but didn't receive enough religious education. If you know anyone who wants to be Catholic, please lead them to us. To register, visit the parish website or visit us at the Faith Formation Office in-person.
Please follow us on our Parish Website & Facebook and see our bulletin.