2022 Annual Financial Report for the year ended December 31, 2022.
(A member of the Finance Council will make the presentation. Slides will be shown.)
Join us in our Novena, led by our various ministries, on June 2 to June 10
in preparation for the Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) on Sunday, June 11. There will be a reception at the Parish Hall following the 12:00 pm Mass. See the Novena schedule for details.
Outreach Luncheon: As part of our 50 year anniversary celebration, St. Anne’s will be reaching out to include our homeless sisters and brothers and providing meals to them on Saturday, June 10.
We are still in need of volunteers and monetary donations for this cause. Monetary donations for this cause are also greatly appreciated. Kindly give your donations to the parish office and reference the “outreach luncheon.”
If you are interested in helping with this effort, please contact the office at 510-471-7766 or email office@saintannecatholic.org.
Thank you for your consideration!
There will be special second collection next weekend to help The Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions or PIME (Latin: Pontificium Institutum pro Missionibus Exteris).
Fr. Dennis Koltz, a PIME Missionary, will be in our parish on June 10 and 11, 2023 to participate in our Annual Missionary Cooperation Plan. He will share his missionary experience at all the Masses and will make an appeal on behalf of PIME. We urge you to be very generous in your mission offering since these Missionaries need our help.
Please follow us on our Parish Website & Facebook and see our bulletin.