CAREavan Announcement by the Presenter: Sat. 5/27- 5 pm: Ann Sun. 5/28- 8 am: Jojo 10 am: Helen 12 pm: Jun 5 pm: Jim
2) We are inviting everyone to please join us to 9 days of prayer from June 2 to June 10 in preparation for the Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi). The Novena will be led by our various ministries. The Feast will be celebrated on Sunday, June 11 with a reception at the Parish Hall following the 12:00pm Mass.
Outreach Luncheon: As part of our 50 year anniversary celebration, St. Anne’s will be reaching out to include our homeless sisters and brothers and providing meals to them on Saturday, June 10.
We are in need of volunteers in the next few weeks to prepare for this activity. Monetary donations for this cause are also greatly appreciated. Kindly give your donations to the parish office and reference the “outreach luncheon.”
If you are interested in helping with this effort, please contact the office at 510-471-7766 or email
Thank you for your consideration!
In observance of Memorial Day, all parish departments will be closed on Monday, May 29, 2023. Have a safe and enjoyable holiday.
Please follow us on our Parish Website & Facebook and see our bulletin.