When I was a teenager at my home parish in San Francisco there were times I'd get sick of being Catholic. I mean it seemed like there were nothing more than rules and threats. I've known a lot of young people over the years who have felt the same way.
But the Gospel we're using for Saturday's Confirmation ceremony shows us what it's really all about. Catholicism is about God's love for us and how that can change the world.
Notice at Jesus' baptism God didn't provide him with a list of "do's and don'ts." God's love descended on him and Jesus became aware of how important he was to the Father. You know what followed...Jesus traveled through the countryside healing the sick, helping the poor, and calling for religious and political reform.
Faith doesn't grow from fear of breaking God's rules. Faith comes from a deepening awareness of how much God loves us. The more aware we are of God's love, the more naturally we will look around and become aware of just how much our world is in pain and that we can do our own little part to help ease that pain. It can be tough to remember how lovable we are. It's easy to focus on our failures and it's easy to see where we don't measure up. It's easy to stay down when other people put us there.
God wants to free you with love. God wants you to see yourself as Jesus does---full of talent and potential waiting to explode into a wounded world. Before Saturday's ceremony, look in the mirror for a moment and think about only your talents. Imagine God's voice telling you that "You are my beloved; with You I am well pleased." Let those words sink in and guide your life, and watch how you make a difference for others.
Please know how proud I am of You and look forward to journeying with you to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation this Saturday.
--Jim Readings on the cermony information document First Reading: Isaiah 11:1-4 The Ideal Davidic King Gospel: Mark 1:9-11 The Baptism of Jesus